
Yefim ShulmanYefim phoro

Tel Aviv University

Wolfson Engineering Building

Room 003/004

Email: efimshulman[at]mail[dot]tau[dot]ac[dot]il




About me

My research interests lie in human-computer interaction and information theory, specifically in human performance modelling and privacy decision-making.

Privacy&Us and I “found” each other in early 2017, and I joined that project in March of the same year as a Ph.D. student, enrolled at Tel Aviv University. Prior to that, I received my Master's degree in Business Informatics from the Higher School of Economics in Moscow (it is one of a few Russian public research and education institutions designated as “National Research Universities”). My Bachelor's degree is in Economics, if you fancy asking.

You can see this page, because I had to have it. Don't judge the contents and do get in touch, if you'd like to.



  • Yefim Shulman (2018). Towards a Broadening of Privacy Decision-Making Models: The Use of Cognitive Architectures. In: Hansen M., Kosta E., Nai-Fovino I., Fischer-Hübner S. (eds) Privacy and Identity Management. The Smart Revolution. Privacy and Identity 2017. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 526. Springer, Cham. The athour’s version is available in open access via:
  • Yefim Shulman and Joachim Meyer. In press. Is Privacy Controllable?. In: Privacy and Identity Management – Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in the Age of Big Data (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology). Springer International Publishing. The authors’ version is available in open access via:

EU logo
My research received funding from the EU H2020 MSCA ITN ETN “Privacy and Usability”, grant agreement no. 675730.