Luiza Rezende
Last week the IFIP Summer School took place in Karlstad, Sweden, in the Computer Science building at Karlstad University (KAU), which had as the main subject “Privacy and Identity Management”.

It was a very diversified and interdisciplinary program: from Monday to Friday (August 21-26) the participants had the opportunity to join multiple sections varying from law to computer science, from ethics to HCI (human-computer Interaction), all of them investigating this very interesting and rich field of Privacy and Identity Management. You can check the entire program here.
Among the speakers were Amelia Andersdotter (, Jan Camenisch (IBM Research â Zürich, Switzerland), Roger Clarke (Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd., Australia), Jolanda Girzl (Konsument Europa, Director, ECC Sweden Swedish Consumer Agency), Marit Hansen (Privacy Commissioner of Schleswig-Holstein, ULD, Germany), Rainer Knyrim (Preslmayr Rechtsanwälte AG, Austria), Steven Murdoch (University College London, UK â TBC), Charles Raab (University of Edinburgh, UK), Angela Sasse (University College London, UK), Bernd Carsten Stahl (De Montfort University, Leicester, UK) and Vicenc Torra (University of Skövde).
As a continuation of the summer school on August 25th started the 1st Privacy&Us (Privacy & Usability) training event, having the presence of the PhD students, their supervisors and the business partners of the project. This was the first training event of the program, which had various interesting lectures, always dealing with privacy, usability, or the intersection of both fields. For example, the participants had a lecture on “Privacy of Personal Health Data”, with Angela Sasse; another lecture about the General Data Protection Regulation with Rainer Knyrim and a workshop on “Introduction to Usability”, with Angela Sasse and Michael Bechinie, all in the first day.
In the end, after such a productive week, we could all relax and enjoy a delicious barbecue – Swedish style! – in Karlstad, in a sunset atmosphere. You can check the beautiful pictures (all taken by the participants of the program) below. Stay tuned to receive more news about Privacy&Us (and more news about privacy as well!).

This post originally appeared on Luiza’s blog at
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