The NeCS Winter School 2018, organized by the NeCS ITN in cooperation with Privacy&Us and C3ISP EU projects. will take place from 12th to 16th February 2018 in Villa Madruzzo, Trento. More information, speakers, and agenda are available at:
The European Network for Cybersecurity (NECS) was formed in response to the increased need of highly qualified experts. It addresses the issues of training and development of talented junior researchers as indicated in the European Cyber-security strategy and highlighted in the ECs Digital Agenda.
Critical infrastructures are complex physical and cyber-based systems that form the backbone of a modern society, and their reliable and secure operation is of paramount importance to national security and economic vitality. As a consequence attacks to such cyber systems could have significant impacts on the reliable and safe operations of the physical systems that rely on it.
Cyber-security studies and analyses such new threads and attacks, aiming at the same time to explore, analyse, design and test effective and efficient defenses. Scope of the NECS PhD Winter School is to present advances on both attacks and defenses in the realm of Cyber-security.
Since protecting critical infrastructure may have impact on citizens privacy, this year the NeCS PhD school collaborates with the Privacy&Us ITN.
The Privacy & Us innovative training network covers questions related to the protection of citizens privacy, considering the multidisciplinary and intersectoral aspects of the issue. Some lectures of the school are then dedicated to train PhDs on these issues.